Science and technology of teams
Journal articles
Hansen, Vaagen, and van Oorschot (2020)
Project Management Journal
What makes a team smart and adaptive, even when the team is under pressure? For more than a year, my co-authors and I conducted a process study where we followed a project team working in a very dynamic and pressured setting. It turned out that five dynamically interrelated team processes made the team intelligent. IPMA Graduate Research Award Outstanding Contribution 2021.
#Teamwork, #ProjectManagement, #ProjectTeams, #DynamicComplexity, #CollectiveIntelligence, #TeamIntelligence, #GroupIntelligence, #Pressure, #SituationAwareness, #Improvisation, #Teaming, #TeamFormation, #TeamProcesses, #Trust, #Face2Face, #Processes, #ProcessStudy, #Time, #Context, #SystemDynamics, #CollectiveIntelligenceInContextOverTime
Procedia conference articles
Hansen and Vaagen (2016)
Procedia Computer Science
Conference article with the preliminary findings of "Team Collective Intelligence in Dynamically Complex Projects—A Shipbuilding Case".
#ProjectManagement, #ProjectTeams, #Teamwork, #CollectiveIntelligence, #TeamFormation, #Trust, #Face2Face
Conference articles
Togeby, Dyhr-Mikkelsen, Larsen, Hansen, Bach (2009)
eceee Summer Study Proceedings
An evaluation of the portfolio of instruments actively used in Denmark for promoting energy efficiency. The evaluation was a result of "A path to more and cheaper energy savings. Evaluation of all Danish energy saving activities" (scientific report).
#EnergyEfficiency, #EnergyPolicy, #EnergyPrices, #Sustainability
Scientific reports
Hansen et al. (2008)
Chapter 6 in "A path to more and cheaper energy savings. Evaluation of all Danish energy saving activities"
Main author of focus report 6, later chapter 6, in A path to more and cheaper energy savings. Evaluation of all Danish energy saving activities, Togeby (red.) (Report in Danish/for the Danish Parliament), The chapter showed the effect of energy prices versus the effects of policy instruments for promoting energy efficiency. It turned out that national consumption of energy is more sensitive to energy prices than to the instruments used for promoting energy efficiency.
#EnergyEfficiency, #EnergyPolicy, #EnergyPrices, #EnergySavings, #Sustainability